Get started

FXFundManagers offers a selection of highly attuned trading systems, specifically curated to meet differing investor needs and risk appetites.

Onboarding Account Management Form

This is a client application form to determine if you are a fit for our Automated Algorithmic Trading Fund.

Click 'begin' if you would like us to trade capital on your behalf.

Please enter your information


We will contact you using the email () you provided earlier.

Trading carries a high level of risk to your capital, and is not suitable for all investors. Please ensure you fully understand the risks, and do not risk more than you would be willing to lose. FXFundManagers does not accept clientele that do not fully understand the risk involved in trading. Please seek independent advice if necessary.

For the avoidance of doubt FXFundManagers is not independently regulated by the FCA. FXFundManagers is a ‘Strategy Provider'.